Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 8710
Country/Region: South Africa
Year: 2009
Main Partner: Academy for Educational Development
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $506,812

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $506,812



The program will be implemented in at least eight provinces in South Africa. The program will be expanded

to South African Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SANCA) and LifeLine Southern Africa

centres on a national basis who have the capacity and agreed to provide voluntary counseling and testing

(VCT) services and also include non-governmental organization (NGO) partners who operate government

approved medical and non-medical sites. This VCT project is unique in the sense that it will focus its training

and activities to reach hard-to-reach populations, like couples, substance abuse persons, children,

adolescents and families. The selection of such partners will be coordinated with the provincial VCT

coordinators who do not receive other PEPFAR funding for VCT services.

Activity 2, Training, has been modified as follows:

Counselors will be trained on counseling couples, as well as counseling substance abusers, children,

adolescents and families. AED will sub-contract an accredited Health and Welfare Sector Education and

Training Authority (HWSETA) training provider to train counselors on accredited HIV training courses and

also submit a new developed training curriculum, together with the sub-contractor, to HWSETA for pre- and

post-test counseling, as per South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) unit standard 252533. AED will

approach SANCA to share existing training material for substance abuse counseling and include it in the

new curriculum for refresher trainings. AED will arrange trainee assessments by the sub-contractor and

coordinate certification of successful candidates. During 2009/10, the project team will focus its activities on

technical assistance and partner support through on-site visits. Partners will be monitored and guided

following the VCT training workshops in 2008/09.

The AED training curriculum addresses sero conversion and the effect it has on test results. This aspect is

discussed in detail and forms part of the protocol when a negative client is counseled. Based on the client's

risk, the client will be requested to return for VCT again.

Negative clients will also be referred to support them in maintaining their HIV negative statuses. This can be

done by referring them to organizations that support a positive lifestyle like churches, sport facilities, etc. to

follow the ABC principle (Abstinence, Be-faithful and Condomize).Prevention of new HIV infections and the

identification of HIV negative clients remains as important as the referral and treatment of the already

infected clients. These clients will be requested to tests regularly and collect condoms as necessary.

Outreach to these specific populations through test events will become an important part of the project to

increase VCT access and to make communities aware of partner organisations' existence within their

communities who provide VCT and other essential community services and support.

AED will provide HIV rapid testing quality management systems training to professional nurses employed at

partner sites to ensure general quality control including quality assurance of testing services, through

coordination with the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD).

Activity 3: Technical Assistance (TA)

Referrals, data management, procurement systems and VCT services will be strengthened through on-site

technical assistance and support by the project team. AED will develop and strengthen partnerships

between health-care facilities, district VCT coordinators and its NGO partner sites and the establishment of

effective links for referral. AED will further promote the usage of NDOH approved kits on tender and will

coordinate with provincial and district representatives on the supply of rapid test kits and possibly other VCT


Based on a flat-line budget approval, each partner site will be visited on average 1.8 times in the year. All

40 partner sites will be visited during the first four months and at least 32 will receive second visits between

the sixth and eighth months of the financial year. These on-site visits will be doubled in the event of a 10%

increase in funding and an additional technical support person will be employed to assist the project team.

In addition, or as an alternative to TA visits, the project team will also provide telephonic assistance and

support by means of regular follow-up calls, as well as through e-mail communication. Monthly data

reporting will be evaluated to monitor on-site progress.

AED will focus on establishing non-medical sites at participating SANCA centres and promote VCT in

addition to their existing services. AED will promote and support outreach to communities through test

events, but also put emphasis on door-to-door visits and offering VCT to existing and new SANCA clients.

AED will link up with VCT activities of the Medical Research Council (MRC) especially SANCA sites in


Specific strategies will be developed and discussed with partner organizations to reach more men with VCT

services. Outreach events to workplaces and schools can ensure that more men are reached, or by offering

after hour VCT services and deploying more men counselors. More men will also be reached through

provisioning and promoting couple and family counseling on and off site. Outreach test events at malls and

pay points can play an important role in reaching men as a specific target.

As part of the technical assistance visits from year two onwards, a certain set of operational questions will

be developed as an on-site checklist in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

(CDC) to monitor the impact of program implementation during the full period of the project. This data will be

processed after each visit.

Activity Narrative: The initial assessment data, which will serve as baseline data, will be compared to the technical assistance

data which will be collected during each on-site visit. The program impact will be evaluated as the project


AED will support outreach events in collaboration with partner organizations based on planned activities and

through on-site technical assistance and possible attendance of the events where possible.



The Academy for Educational Development (AED) in partnership with South African Council on Alcoholism

and Drug Dependence (SANCA) and Lifeline along with a host of collaborators, seek to build on its success

under the community voluntary counseling and testing program previous funded by PEPFAR. AED will

collaborate with some of the same organizations and networks providing a mix of training along with several

strategic testing events seeking to capture clients who may visit service outlets. The program will be

implemented in four provinces.


AED proposes to build upon a previous program to expand counseling and testing (CT) in South Africa that

was funded by PEPFAR until FY 2006.


Activity 1: Outreach and HIV testing

This activity will be implemented through enhancing current CT sites and creating selected new sites,

especially in organizations with proven outreach to at-risk and underserved populations. AED will work with

Lifeline and align its activities with the its workplace prevention program to hold testing days at selected

worksites. AED will also support linkages to SANCA' s home visiting counselors with CT counselors to

support family testing. SANCA clients who have alcohol and drug dependency problem will all be offered

HIV testing by their counselors and this will be extended to their family members.

AED will hold testing events at locations frequented by youth and adolescents. Prior these events AED will

conduct community campaigns targeting youth and adolescents.

Activity 2: Training

AED will train staff from SANCA who work with high risk populations on HIV counseling and testing.

Refresher courses will be held for all other counselors. Counselors will be trained on couple HIV counseling

and testing.

All of the above activities will contribute towards meeting PEPFAR's 2-7-10 goals.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 19513

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

19513 19513.08 HHS/Centers for Academy for 8710 8710.08 $722,000

Disease Control & Educational

Prevention Development

Emphasis Areas


* Addressing male norms and behaviors

* Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS programs

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $46,845

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.14:

Subpartners Total: $11,377
Lifeline: $11,377
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $46,845
Human Resources for Health $46,845